Baby #3
Miscarriage happens in 25% of KNOWN pregnancies. That is both staggering and somewhat reassuring at the same time. I’m certainly not 1 in a million, but at the same time, it’s so rarely talked about that when it happened, I definitely didn’t feel like I was 1 in 4.
Last week when we made our baby announcement, of course it was very exciting, but it also felt weird for me not to share the whole story behind getting to this point and the fact that this will be our 2nd child, but it’s our 3rd baby.
This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through. It hit me like a freight train and I still have good and bad days. I truly never thought a pregnancy loss would be this painful. That was probably pretty naive, but I also have never really heard other women share their true feelings on going through it.
I’ll let the video pretty much speak for itself, and I’m not sure some things came out exactly as I well as I could’ve said them, but hopefully my point is still clear. I want to talk about this to bring awareness to miscarriage; as it feels wrong to me to continue not to publicly acknowledge our 2nd baby. It’s just something I want to do and I want to bring you along on this journey the same way I always have.
Last thing, I want to mention that I realize compared what’s happening in the world right now, this is a small thing. That’s been weighing on me as well. We’re very fortunate for all of the other positive changes and opportunities that are coming to fruition this year.
Thank you for watching and as always, I hope this helps if you’ve been through something similar.
Much love from a mumma trying to heal.
P.S. Sorry for the nose-blowing.